Join me at Love It Yoga for Love It Body INTENSE, our Spring Detox Program – a 21 day clean eating and exercise challenge.

This program is a spin off of our 8 Week Love It Body Program and is designed to kick start you into a clean eating and exercise regime. The program runs for 3 weeks and includes weekly information sessions to help keep you on track and a one month unlimited yoga membership at Love It Yoga.

Love It Body INTENSE is a diet and exercise challenge and so participants are encouraged to challenge themselves to as many or as few of the guidelines as possible. Participants are provided with dietary guidelines to follow as well as recipes and meal planning recommendations.

The benefits of this program are far reaching and will be unique to each individual and their health concerns as well as their commitment to the program. In previous programs participants have experienced weight loss, energy increases, fewer digestive complaints, reduced pain, lowered blood pressure and many other improvements to their health.

For more details please join us Wednesday May 1st at 8:30pm at Love It Yoga in Amherstburg for a free information session. The program will begin on May 4th (however, this date is flexible) and weekly meetings will be on Wednesdays at 8:30pm beginning Monday May 6th. The cost of the program is $120 (plus hst) and may be partially reimbursed by your extended health care provider. You may also phone the studio 519-736-4500 or email us for more information: or

Individualized cleanse programs are also available through the office, during your naturopathic visit. For patients, additional liver cleanse supplementation is optional. Just give us a call!